Explore our Policies & Code Of Conduct materials and documents. Click on the links below to download the relevant PDF files.
College Multipurpose hall policy specify the norms, rules and regulations governing the use of the Multipurpose Hall.
The college canteen policy is defined to ensure efficient functioning of the canteen.
The College admission policy strives to provide quality education and equal opportunities to heterogeneous student community from diverse backgrounds.
College Examination policy specify the norms, rules and regulations governing the conduct of college examinations as well as handling of examination records and disposal of examination waste records.
This policy document defines our college classroom appearance, maintenance and utilization policies.
This policy document is defined with an aim to establish research culture amongst the faculty members of the college.
This policy document defines library membership, borrowing of books and library conduct policies for both staff and students of the college.
This policy defines the policy adopted by college in the usage of sports related equipment’s and gymkhana facilities of the college.
This policy document defines our college classroom appearance, maintenance and utilization policies.
This policy document defines our college classroom appearance, maintenance and utilization policies.
Environment and Energy usage policy of our college is towards cause of protecting the environment and initiating measures to reduce the carbon footprints in the college campus.
The College is bound to assure a safe, positive learning environment for the students and a respectful and cooperative working environment for the staff.
The College recognizes the need to integrate technology in governance so as to provide effective, seamless and quick service to its stakeholders.
The College considers award of scholarships, financial assistance, and awards, based on the provable merit of the enrolled students.
Green campus policy of our college is the reflection of our commitment to reduce carbon footprint in the college campus and to contribute towards a cleaner, greener and sustainable environment.
Our College has put in place a mechanism for mentoring of students. Each year the faculty of the college are assigned students as their mentees. The mentors meet with their mentees on regular intervals in groups and also on a one-to-one basis.
Our College believes in promoting the rights and dignity of each individual while focusing on the inclusion of people with disabilities and also to provide necessary guidance and counseling to differently-abled persons.
The Gender policy provides a frame work of principles and practices that will improve the academic environment and provide equal opportunities to all students regardless of their gender.
Our College is committed to develop itself into a Centre of Excellence. It endeavours to promote and ensure a quality culture in consonance with the overall development in the field of education.
The goal of the policy is to make the our College an Institution that students choose because of its appropriate infrastructure, research-oriented, and digitally powered environment that can help students grow and keep up with technological advancement.
Our College takes special efforts to identify the advanced and slow learners in order to assess the learning capacity of the students and to provide guidance and assistance accordingly.
This policy document defines the general rules and regulations every teaching fraternity of the institution required to abide.
This policy document defines the expected code of conduct of every student taking admission in our Government College of Commerce & Economics, Borda, Margao-Goa.
This policy document provides our faculty members and researchers a comprehensive and a ready reference guidelines while submitting their research contributions and manuscripts for publication as also submission of minor/major research projects and Ph.D. thesis.